Getting outside: How it Affects Your Mood and Going Outside Even When It’s Gloomy

There’s no doubt that the weather can affect your mood, whether it’s making you gloomy or giving you the blues, but did you know that being outside can have the same effect? In fact, a recent study found that spending time in nature boosts our mood and improves our mental health. This means that even if you’re feeling down, getting out into the fresh air will help lift your spirits. With that in mind, this article will show you how spending some quality time outdoors can boost your mood, even when things look pretty grim.

The Importance of Being Outdoors

We spend so much time indoors these days that we don’t realize just how important being outside is for our physical and mental well-being. Spending time in nature has been shown to improve our overall health and boost our mood. It’s also been proven to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and increase oxygen intake. So, what exactly does all of this mean? Well, it means that spending time outdoors can be an effective way to combat depression and anxiety. If you feel like you need a little pick-me-up, take advantage of the many benefits of spending time in nature. Here are seven ways that spending time outside can make you happier:

1. You’ll Feel Better About Yourself

One of the best things about spending time outdoors is that it helps us appreciate ourselves more. When surrounded by nature, we tend to focus less on our flaws and more on our strengths. That’s why spending time in nature makes us feel better about ourselves. We become more aware of who we really are rather than focusing on who we think we should be. And, because we’re not constantly comparing ourselves to others, we end up feeling happier about ourselves.

2. You’ll Be More Creative

Spending time in nature encourages creativity. Many people say they want to get away from their computers and smartphones, but there’s something special about being able to do that while still connected to the world around you. The internet allows us to stay connected to friends and family, but it doesn’t allow us to truly disconnect. However, spending time in nature lets us connect to the natural world around us. It allows us to see beauty in everything, including trees, flowers, and birds. Because we’re forced to look at the world through new eyes, we think differently. We start seeing things in a new light, leading to creative ideas and solutions.

3. You’ll Have More Energy

When we spend time in nature, we breathe fresh air and let go of negative energy. As a result, we feel energized and ready to tackle whatever comes next. Studies have shown that spending time in nature increases our heart rate and breathing rates. These changes increase energy levels, so we have more stamina and strength.

4. You’ll Make New Friends

When we spend time in nature, we meet new people. People often talk about how they wish they had more friends, but most of them aren’t actually doing anything to change that situation. However, spending time outdoors brings people together. Whether playing sports or hiking, we meet new people when we’re out exploring. This is especially true if we’re trying to make new friends. In fact, studies show that children who play outside are more likely to develop friendships later in life.

5. You’ll Improve your immune system

Studies have shown that spending time outside improves our immune systems. One reason for this is that plants produce chemicals called phytonutrients. These chemicals help fight off viruses and bacteria. Another reason is that spending time in nature reduces stress levels. Stress causes inflammation, which weakens our immune systems. By reducing stress, we strengthen our immune systems.

6. Get a dose of vitamin D

One of the reasons spending time in nature can improve your mood is that it boosts your vitamin D level. If you live somewhere with little sun exposure, then you may need to take supplements. Vitamin D has been linked to a lower risk of depression, so make sure you get enough of it will boost your overall health and well-being. Also, vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, muscles, and nerves.

7. Exercise

If you want to burn some calories and get rid of those extra pounds, exercise is essential to any weight loss plan. But what many people don’t realize is that exercising also helps reduce stress levels. So, even though you’re working hard to shed those pounds, you’ll also be improving your mental health by getting moving. The exercise itself releases endorphins, which make you happy. Plus, the act of sweating clears toxins from your body.

8. Improve your memory

Do you ever struggle remembering names or where you parked? Well, scientists now believe that one of the reasons why we forget certain things is because we become too focused during concentrated study sessions. When we’re studying, our brains focus all its attention on that subject. And because our brains interpret forgetting as a failure, they work harder than necessary to ensure that we remember. What does this mean for you? Simply put, taking breaks from studying allows your brain to relax and refocus itself before continuing your education session.

9. Opportunity to be mindful

Mindfulness is becoming increasingly popular, and many apps are available to teach us mindfulness techniques. Spending time in nature offers us an opportunity to practice being mindful. We can observe the trees, listen to birds singing, smell flowers, and watch clouds move across the sky without thinking about anything else. Mindfulness teaches us to pay attention to the present moment rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. It’s a skill that everyone can benefit from!

The Bottom Line

Spending time in nature isn’t just good for your physical health but can also improve your mental health. Studies show that spending time in nature lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, increases energy levels, and improves sleep quality. All of these benefits add up to better moods, clearer minds, and improved memories.

So next time you feel like you need a break from your day, grab your phone and head outdoors. You might find that spending time in nature actually changes how you feel.