Using Red Light Therapy For Depression: How It Works with Lamp Models and Prices


The winter season is full of fun activities such as having snowball fights, drinking hot chocolate, and decorating for the holidays; however, there is less sunlight during this time of year. A major depressive disorder that follows a seasonal pattern is now recognized as seasonal affective disorder, which can also be brought on by a lack of exposure to sunlight.

In most cases, the symptoms of this particular form of depression appear in the fall or winter. Our circadian rhythms, also known as our “internal body clock,” are impacted when there is insufficient exposure to sunlight. These rhythms govern the way in which our bodies function on a day-to-day basis. Because of the decrease in sunlight, serotonin levels can fall, and melatonin levels can become unbalanced, both of which can have an impact on your mood as well as your sleeping patterns. Light therapy is an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as well as for other conditions such as depression and problems sleeping, according to many patients who have tried it.

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a form of medical treatment that involves exposing a patient to a light source that has been artificially produced in a controlled environment. The majority of patients who benefit from treatment with this approach have a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, which was formerly known as Major Depressive Disorder with Seasonal Patterns. Only during specific times of the year, specifically when the days are getting shorter in the winter, can someone experience this particular form of depression. The use of light therapy as a treatment for other conditions, such as depression and sleep disorders, is also feasible.


There is a form of depression known as a seasonal affective disorder that typically manifests itself during the fall and winter months of each year. The utilization of a light box might prove to be soothing. On the other hand, for some individuals, combining light therapy with another treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, may prove to be more beneficial.

Light boxes are designed to provide a therapeutic amount of bright light to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. There is a huge range of variety available for light boxes. In spite of the fact that every light box is designed to perform the same function, there is a chance that one of them will work better for you than the others.


Individuals can simulate natural lighting with a lightbox. It is thought that exposure to this type of light may change brain chemistry, improving mood and minimizing other depressive symptoms like excessive sleepiness and exhaustion.

Light therapy makes up for the fact that not getting enough sunlight can worsen seasonal patterns in people with major depressive disorder. During a session, you sit close to a light box or lamp that emits bright light. Even though the box or lamp usually looks like natural sunlight, products from different companies may differ.

The output of a light therapy box typically ranges from 2,500 to 10,000 lux. Luxes are units used to measure light brightness. Treatment typically begins in the fall and lasts until the start of spring. The session length will depend on the intensity of the light box and how well you respond to the treatment.

The recommended starting brightness for bright light therapy is 10,000 lux for 30 minutes every morning, but a person who is new to the therapy may require shorter initial sessions. With a more substantial light box, the treatment session could be shorter.


Red light therapy stimulates the mitochondria, the parts of the body’s cells that produce energy, and positively affects the brain. Concentrated red and near-infrared light that simulates the mitochondria has an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body and improves circulation. To maximize the chemical reactions taking place within your brain cells and the rest of your body, red light therapy also supports the metabolic activity.

Red light therapy can increase metabolic capacity to improve the brain’s ability to absorb oxygen when used on the brain. The treatment can also increase your body’s ability to fight off free radicals, which can harm your brain cells. Red light penetrates the skin more deeply than other types of light, which makes it simpler for body cells to absorb the light. Health professionals have developed red light beds and targeted deep tissue laser therapy systems to harness the power of red light to particular parts of the body.

Red light therapy can potentially improve physical and mental health conditions, including depression. Additionally, it can support proper cognitive function to improve your ability to think clearly. Your mental health can be improved by feeling better and thinking more clearly.

Red and near-infrared wavelengths are used most frequently in natural light therapies, which are also referred to as photobiomodulation or red light therapy. Near infrared wavelengths may be most effective for treating mental health conditions like depression because they can penetrate body tissues deeper than red light can.

The wavelengths of near infrared light from a clinical light therapy device can actually pass through the skin and enter the brain, which can immediately affect brain cells. According to cerebral metabolism, natural light is absorbed by the mitochondria, which raises cerebral metabolism, improves neuroplasticity, and lowers inflammation. Additionally, it has been found that increasing the amount of natural light that your brain cells receive enhances their capacity to burn oxygen, boosts oxygen uptake, and boosts ATP production in the cells.

Light in this spectrum is entirely safe, in contrast to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which damage the DNA of skin cells. This means that burning or tanning is unaffected by exposure to red light. It has an effect on us on a cellular level, deep inside. Sitting or standing close to a panel of specialized red lights is said to alter how your cells produce energy and antioxidants for a brief period of time. The pain may then be reduced as a result of the increased effectiveness, and bones, nerves, skin, tendons, and ligaments may also be helped to heal. This has previously been found. Although doctors have been using red light therapy for more than 50 years, they have only recently started to accept it more widely.



Lux: 3.000/5,000/10,000

Price: $35.69


Lux: 3.000/5,000/10,000

Price: $ 30.65


Lux: 10,000

Price: $ 78.25


Lux: 10,000

Price: $ 115.99


Lux: 3,000/5,000/10,000

Price: $ 80