15 Ways SAD Lights That Can Help Elevate Your Mood and Depression


Have you ever sat in a darkened room even though it’s daytime outside? Have you tried to brighten the space by turning off all the lights, except one, and leaving that light on? Did this work for you? If these questions have occurred to you, then you might find yourself a bit depressed. People with depression often do not recognize that there are many things within their control to help them feel better. Below are 15 ways you can use lighting to try and make you feel better.

1) Make it important to be outside in the morning: daily sunlight exposure has been shown to help with mood, sleep, and work performance. If you have a harsh winter morning right now, try getting up 30 minutes earlier than usual and going for a walk outside. It will be worth it! Albeit the brightness of the day may only make it mildly warmer than your room from inside, you will be getting more immediate benefits from the sunshine outdoors. The night of the full moon is a great time to do this since it won’t start snowing until later in the day.

2) Try dimming all lights except one and leave it on: Find a single light that you can turn off in your room, preferably one that is not too big. Dim it as much as you can and leave it on. The brightness difference between this light and the rest of the lights at the same time will make you want to notice things outside again.

3) Use light therapy for seasonal affective disorder: Seasonal affective disorder is when one does not get enough light exposure for a long period of time. If you are feeling down during the winter months, brighten your mornings by spending 20 minutes in front of a “light box.” Don’t forget to turn off the TV and computer first before turning on the lightbox to avoid blue-light damage. There are various light therapy options, but if you see one that you like at your local pharmacy, chances are that they can also do it on a prescription basis.

4) Wear sunglasses: If you have been unhappy lately and find it hard to be outside in sunlight, take some time to put on some shades and enjoy being outside for 20 minutes. The brightness difference will help make the time outside fun again.

5) Be in a happy place: If you have an unpleasant bedroom environment or feel depressed in general, try choosing to sleep in a different room for a month. Try the bedroom of a friend or relative who is happy and peaceful and has positive associations with the space just by sleeping in it. If you can’t do this, try waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual and spending 20 minutes outside in the sunshine. Get a morning view of all your favorite things while you are still able to see them clearly.

6) Upgrade or decorate: There is no point in being unhappy when you have the chance to take advantage of so many positive opportunities that are right around you! If you want to feel happy and uplifted, just change your lighting fixtures or room décor. If you do not want to spend a lot of money, just repaint the walls in your room. They will look so much better!

7) Sunlight increases serotonin: If you are feeling sad, go for a 20-minute walk outdoors in the morning. This will make you feel happy, and the whole day will go better from here on out. There is no need to do this every day, but try to make it a weekly ritual during Spring and Summer months.

8) Try deep breathing and yoga: Yoga is generally an excellent way to help with depression symptoms. It helps with stress reduction and also helps with light exposure. Yoga is also not a sweaty exercise and can be enjoyed by anyone who is able to stand.

9) Try relaxing: Once you have changed your room and gotten outside more, try to relax as much as possible. If you are not feeling like this at all, try taking a vacation for a week or more in the middle of Winter or on a cloudy day. This will make all the difference in the world.

10) Be creative: A lot of people with depression feel lonely. If you have garden space, plant some daffodils or tulips and keep them close to your bedroom window when they bloom in Spring. The blooms will help cheer you up each day.

11) Buy some happy feelings: If you are feeling down, try buying some mood-boosting things such as puppies, kittens, kittens with a litter of puppies, or rainbow sprinkles. Colors are important and bright colors can really lift your mood!

12) Read uplifting books: There are many great books about the benefits of light exposure that can be found in any bookstore. Try to find a new physical book that you would be excited to read every day. No matter how bad you think it might be, it can’t possibly be as bad as the book you are looking forward to reading.

13) Choose uplifting foods for meals: At meal times, aim to eat foods with a nice Vitamin D surge or try cooking something that is yellow, like Corn on the Cob. If you do not want to cook, look for items in your grocery store that are yellow because they naturally contain Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Use these items in your lunchtime meals.

14) Try meditation: There are many different versions of meditation, and all of them seem to help with depression. If you are having trouble focusing, try listening to the “calm” music station on YouTube.

15) Share a smile: If you have been feeling down, try making a charity donation or giving someone an uplifting note. If you need to see a smile while you are feeling down, watch funny cat videos on YouTube. This will help lighten your mood and make you feel better.


There is no question that the light in your bedroom can have a major effect on how you feel during the day. If you have been feeling down, try some of these suggestions. Good luck!